Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 720p [BluRay] 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 720p BluRay| 3.37GB In the sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, and in both wizard and muggle worlds Lord Voldemort and his henchmen are increasingly active. With vacancies to fill at Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore persuades Horace Slughorn, back from retirement to become the potions teacher, while Professor Snape receives long awaited news. Harry Potter, together with Dumbledore, must face treacherous...

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007) 1080 [Bluray]

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007) 1080 [Bluray]| 8.25GB After a lonely summer on Privet Drive, Harry returns to a Hogwarts full of ill-fortune. Few of students and parents believe him or Dumbledore that Voldemort is really back. The ministry had decided to step in by appointing a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher that proves to be the nastiest person Harry has ever encountered. Harry also can't help stealing glances with the...

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005) 1080 [Bluray]

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005) 1080 [Bluray]| 9.3GB Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is about to start and he is enjoying the summer vacation with his friends. They get the tickets to The Quidditch World Cup Final but after the match is over, people dressed like Lord Voldemort's 'Death Eaters' set a fire to all the visitors' tents, coupled with the appearance of Voldemort's symbol, the 'Dark Mark' in the sky, which causes a frenzy across...

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004) 1080 [Bluray]

 Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004) 1080 [Bluray]| 6.1GB Harry Potter is having a tough time with his relatives (yet again). He runs away after using magic to blow Uncle Vernon's sister Marge who was being offensive towards Harry's parents. Initially scared for using magic outside the school, he is pleasantly surprised that he won't be penalized after all. However, he soon learns that a dangerous criminal and Voldemort's trusted...

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) 1080 [Bluray]

 Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) 1080 [Bluray]| 9.3GB Forced to spend his summer holidays with his muggle relations, Harry Potter gets a real shock when he gets a surprise visitor: Dobby the house-elf, who warns Harry Potter against returning to Hogwarts, for terrible things are going to happen. Harry decides to ignore Dobby's warning and continues with his pre-arranged schedule. But at Hogwarts, strange and terrible things...

When Soldiers Cry (2010) Bluray

  When Soldiers Cry (2010)| 4.18GB 1965 South Vietnam, two American Soldiers find themselves trapped in the Jungle with a War surrounding them. The only thing keeping them alive is the promises in their hearts they kept to their families - to return home at any cost. One Soldier, Private David M. Church awakes from being rendered unconscious to find all of his squad killed by the Vietcong. Three Days by foot, he must travel to the Landing Zone...

Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone (2001) 1080 [Bluray]

 Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone (2001)| 12.61 GB Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is the first film in the Harry Potter series based on the novels by J.K. Rowling. It is the tale of Harry Potter, an ordinary 11-year-old boy serving as a sort of slave for his aunt and uncle who learns that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to attend the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is snatched away from his mundane...

X-Men Origins Wolverine.2009.720p.BluRay x264

 X-Men Origins Wolverine 2009 | BluRay Two mutant brothers, Logan and Victor, born 200 years ago, suffer childhood trauma and have only each other to depend on. Basically, they're fighters and killers, living from war to war through U.S. history. In modern times, a U.S. colonel, Stryker, recruits them and other mutants as commandos. Logan quits and becomes a logger, falling in love with a local teacher. When Logan refuses to rejoin Stryker's...

The Unborn (2009)

 The Unborn (2009)| DVDRIP| 700MB While babysitting a boy and his baby brother, Casey Beldon has a dreadful nightmare involving a weird dog and an evil child, and she tells her best friend Romy over the phone. Casey is haunted by this boy, and when she goes to the ophthalmologist, he asks if she has a twin brother or sister. She asks her father and discovers that her mother lost a son that died in the womb. Casey suspects that she is haunted...

The Last House on the Left (2009)

 The Last House on the Left (2009)| DVDRIP| 700MB While being transported by two detectives in a car, the dangerous criminal Krug is rescued by his brother Francis and his girlfriend Sadie, and they brutally kill the detectives. Meanwhile Emma, her husband Dr. John and their seventeen year-old daughter Mari Collingwood head on vacation to their house nearby the lake. Mari borrows the family car to meet her friend Paige that is working in a...

Jumbo 2009

Jumbo 2009| DVDRIP | 700MBJumbo is an young elephant growing up without his father. As other kids tease him for being fatherless, he goes on to find him. Eventually Jumbo becomes the war elephant for the king and avenges the death of his father who was also a war elephant.  Download Jumbo 2009| Hotfilehttp://hotfile.com/list/414105/ca5a55...

Frame of Mind (2009)

Frame of Mind (2009)| DVDRIP| 700MBNew Jersey Detective David Secca's life is changed forever when he discovers a piece of film in an antique box. On the film is a lone man, concealing a rifle, standing on a grassy knoll-the exact knoll President John F. Kennedy passed as he was assassinated. But is the film authentic? Or, is it another hoax surrounding President Kennedy's murder? When David seeks help in Professor Steve Lynde, it becomes horrifically...

Diary of a Tired Black Man (2009)

Diary of a Tired Black Man (2009)| DVDRIP| 700MBDiary of a Tired Black Man is a simple story about the complex relationships between black men and black women. It follows a successful black man James and his struggle to find a healthy loving relationship. He is constantly challenged by the anger he finds in the black women he gets involved with. From his wife whom he divorces, to the women he tries to date after her - nothing but Drama Drama Drama!...

Dead Like Me: Life After Death (2009)

Dead Like Me: Life After Death (2009)| 700MB After the departure of Rube Sofer, a new head reaper named Cameron Kane takes over. He's a slick businessman who couldn't care less about helping the newly dead. Chaos ensues and brings out the worst in Daisy and Mason who begin drinking anew. George and Reggie re-connect for the first time when George reaps a new friend of Reggie's Download  Dead Like Me: Life After Death (2009)| Hotfilehttp:/...

Colinas Sangrientas 2009

Colinas Sangrientas 2009| 700MB Titulo original: The Hills Run Red Dirección: Dave Parker País: USA Año: 2009 Duración: 88 min. Género: Terror Guión: John Carchietta Producción: John Carchietta Fotografía: Carl Morano Estreno en España: 2009 Salida en Alquiler: 21-10-2009 Siguiendo títulos clásicos de los 70s y 80s, The Hills Run Red cuenta la historia de Tyler, un fanático de las películas que deseoso de encontrar una copia...

Clubbed (2008)

 Clubbed (2008)| 700MB Danny - a lonely factory worker, intimidated by life - is battered and humiliated in front of his kids in a random act of violence. His already bleak existence sinks further into the abyss. On the verge of total breakdown he decides to fight back. He meets a group of night-club doormen who take him in and give him the confidence to stand his ground. As he is drawn deeper into their world he becomes embroiled with the...

Bratz Pampered Petz A Rescue Adventure (2009)

Bratz Pampered Petz A Rescue Adventure (2009) |700MB New adventures of quite [glamorous] girls in the world! [Bratz] become acquainted with the once well-known Mexican singer of Dolores [Reyts], who takes away homeless animals from the shelters in order to save their lives. But the kindness of those surrounding does not give to one envious neighbour rest. It decides to state into the police so that they would take away the animals, and they expelled...

Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia 2009 DVDRIP

Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia 2009 DVDRIP| 700MB In the movie, Mr. Kennedy wearing the skin of a North American soldier (SEAL), which together with the partner be (Joe Manganiello), have a base to attack Colombian terrorists, rescuing the hostages who are in their possession.Genre:War Duration:90min Director:Tim Matheson Release Date:2009 Size:701 Mb Resolution:640 x 352 Frame Rate:23 fps Format: DVDRip Quality of Audio:9 Video quality:9 Codec...

X-Men The Last Stand | 2006 | 720p | Bluray

 X-Men The Last Stand | 2006 | 720p | Bluray | 4.4GB It has been several months since The X-Men stopped William Stryker, but that victory came at a price, they have lost Jean Gray when she tried to save them from the collapsed reservoir. Scott Summers (Cyclops) is still grieving about her loss. One day, he came out to the place which is where Jean Gray sacrificed herself. Then, Jean Gray appeared right in front of him. Though, it seemed that...

X-Men X2 ( 2003) 720p - BluRay

X-Men X2 ( 2003)  720p - BluRay |  6.6GB  Several months had passed since The X-Men defeated Magneto and imprisoned him in a plastic chamber. One day, a mutant going by the name of "Nightcrawler" infiltrates The White House and attempts to assassinate The President. Meanwhile, Logan is trying to discover his past, and wonder why he became a mutant. However, the friction between the humans and mutants is grinding much harder. As a...